EEC1970 Playlist- Module 06 7 videos
Helping with Homework (practice)
Alexis’s mom talks with her child while drawing a special picture for him. Young children form their first relationships and begin to make meaning of the social and physical worlds in their home language. Learning that takes place within the context of the parent-child relationship and supports the child’s ongoing…
Subjects: body
Ages: fours
Tags: dual-language child-parent drawing literacy
The Hidden Value of Routine Activities
In this video clip, we observe five children working individually to make similar figures out of clay. This experience is repeated a thousand times a day in preschools across the country. However, many college methods courses in ECE cite such activities as less than optimal practice. These courses make rather…
Subjects: clay
Ages: fours
Tags: children-teacher symbolization closed captions
The Joy of Reading Together
Context: The children are reading with their respective parents, Kimberly with her mom and Clarissa with her dad. Within the context of the parent-child relationship, children develop an interest in books and concepts that will transfer from the first language to the second. Parent engagement can be supported by the…
Subjects: books
Ages: fives
Tags: closed captions reading stories literacy parent-child dual-language
What is a Book Anyway?
Young children will understand a book, as a cultural artifact, at different levels. We might call these early levels a form of pre-literacy. Is a book an interestingly hinged object to fold open and shut or pages that carry information in a sequence? Are the color patterns pretty decorations or…
Subjects: books
Ages: ones
Tags: closed captions reading children-object literacy
How Two Friends Talk Through Hugs and Tugs
Chaislyn finishes reading a book to Madison and then invites her friend to take a turn. Madison does not immediately respond so Chaislyn gradually uses several subtle strategies to entice her. Chaislyn first taps Madison’s arm gently. Then, while softly saying her name, “Maddie,” Chaislyn grasps and gently shakes Madison’s…
Subjects: body
Ages: fours
Tags: child-child communication friendship special education reading closed captions
Reading Spiderman
This is a clip of a child reading to his class. We recognize his strategies for emergent reading, such as memorizing words and using visual cues to remind him of phrases. According to the book, Early Literacy in Preschool and Kindergarten, Beaty and Pratt refer to this experience as “practice…
Subjects: books
Ages: threes
Tags: reading literacy communication children-teacher closed captions
What It Takes To Bake a Cake
Anya shows Riley what she has brought back from the store for their cake. When Anya hands Riley an object (block) they have not yet defined, Riley asks, “What’s this Anya? Is that that (points to picture in cookbook)?” Anya answers, “That is a line of candy.” Riley comments, “We…
Subjects: books
Ages: fours
Tags: children-teacher literacy sequence directions