EEC4010-Mod 4 2 videos

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    Infants with Teacher: Call and Response

    In this video clip, four infants and a teacher sit together on the floor exploring objects. As they play one of the infants utters a series of consonant-vowel syllables that sound something like a song verse. She says, “Da-dah, da-dah, dah”. Notice how the teacher treats the infant’s babbling as…

    Subjects: body

    Ages: infants

    Tags: communication teaching children-teacher nonverbal babbling closed captions

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    Drawing from a Photograph

    In this video, four-year-old Matthew draws members of his family, using a photograph to support him. He begins by drawing his dad, starting with his head. Matthew draws a circle and says, “Ta-da!” He refers back to the photograph (00:10) as he decides what feature(s) to add next and says,…

    Subjects: markers

    Ages: fours

    Tags: drawing family representation closed captions relationships